A chance to help abused families at Christmas

A Llantwit Major pub is helping volunteers at women’s refuges in the area give their clients a better Christmas. The project is run by Women’s Aid across the UK to help women who arrive at refuges this Christmas. Many will arrive bruised, battered and with nothing more than the clothes they are standing in.
It is called Project Shoebox and The Old White Hart Inn in Llantwit Major is a drop off point. Elenid Carlig of the Old White Hart said: “Two local women, Rachel Pearce and Sacha Stoyle, came across the project in December last year. They were disappointed they hadn’t heard about it earlier and vowed to collect items this year and enlist the help of friends and family.”
Sacha Stoyle said: “This year, we contacted the organisers and volunteered our services. Next, we asked Elenid from The Old White Hart Inn if she had any spare rooms that we could use as a collection point and she willingly offered us some space and her time to aid the cause!
“We are asking people to check their bathroom cabinets for items of unwanted, unused or very nearly unused toiletries. It can be one item or many and we are not asking you to make up shoeboxes – as we will do that on your behalf. Really useful basics are shower gel, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, a hair brush or comb.
“Comforting things are important, such as face wash, toner, moisturiser, or make up remover, sanitary products, cosmetics, hair products like spray, mousse and also hair bands or scrunchies. It’s good to have nice thing – scarves, bits of jewellery, socks, tights, slippers or flipflops, and sweets.
“It’s often families in refuges, so we collect boys items such as men’s shower gel, deodorant, socks, hair gel, etc. Also, as having a baby is often a real trigger point for domestic abuse to get worse, babies are often in need within refuges. Any of the following make great baby boxes; baby shampoo, baby lotion, baby oil, nappy cream, cotton wool, wipes, nappy bags, and clean, unused dummies. It’s also good if we can collect anything helpful for a new mum – nipple cream, knickers, nursing pads etc.”
You can get full details here of what is being collecting and why at: www.facebook.com/shoeboxgiving