Atal y Fro Wins National Award

Atal Y Fro were runners up in a National Award ceremony held in London for the Howard League for Penal Reform. The recognition was for the EPIC (Education, Prevention, Intervention in the Community) Programme, a unique partnership between Atal y Fro and the Community Rehabilitation Company (formerly the Wales Probation Service) that has been running for just over three years.
The Programme is effective because it works with the whole family (including the perpetrator) providing a ‘wrap-around’ package of services consisting of:
- Community IDAP (Integrated Domestic Abuse Programme) for male perpetrators, co-delivered by Atal y Fro and CRC (Community Rehabilitation Company)
- EIP (Early Intervention Programme) – intensive, contract based couples & family work
- Men’s Group – for those men seeking help /coming off IDAP or being prepared for IDAP
- Pattern Changing – a CBT based programme aimed at helping women to take control of their own lives and make more informed decisions
- CYPP (Children & Young Person’s Programme) – provides 1-1 support, STAR (Safety Training & Respect) programme and small group work
- Healthy Relations Programme – delivered to all secondary & primary schools across the Vale of Glamorgan
The ethos of the EPIC Programme is to ‘help the family stay together safely or separate amicably’.
Kay Quinn, Director of Atal y Fro said: “Trustees and staff are delighted to receive this award which is a national recognition for the EPIC Programme and an affirmation of the strength of the partnership with CRC”.
Gus Vowles, Treatment Manager of CRC commented: “The success of this partnership demonstrates how effectively public and Third Sector can cooperate to develop and deliver a Programme that is tackling the issue of domestic violence in a more holistic way”.